Tableau country maps overlay with more specific locations

1 minute read


Tableau country maps overlay with more specific locations

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1. Open Tableau, instead of import, directly Open the csv file:

  • Go to the sheet

2. Create generated Lat and Long:

  • The inputs are countries, right click country names and choose the Geographic Roles to be Country/Region
  • There will be two new meassure fields created call Latitude(generated) and Longitude(generated)
  • Drag Long to Columns, Lat to Rows

3. Create color calculation function:

  • Right click meassure tab
  • Click Create calculated field
  • Give it a name such as color calculation, for the function, types:
    IF MAX([Time]) >= 5 then 'years'
    ELSEIF MAX([Time]) == 4 then 'months'
    ELSEIF MAX([Time]) == 3 then 'weeks'
    ELSEIF MAX([Time]) == 2 then 'days'
    ELSEIF MAX([Time]) == 1 then 'passby'
    ELSEIF MAX([Time]) == NULL then 'no'

4. Apply the color gradient:

  • Drag Color Calculation to Color
  • Tweak the color, personally, I found the following parameters to be the best
    1. Opacity = 40%
    2. year = RGB(170,0,0)
    3. months = RGB(206,68,68)
    4. weeks = RGB(224,136,136)
    5. days = RGB(255,134,134)
    6. passby = RGB(255,240,240)
    7. Null = RGB(159,159,159)
    8. Border = RGB(245,245,245)

5. Show the country name:

  • Drag Name to the Detail field.

6. Show the specific city/attraction name:

  • Duplicate Lattitude in the Rows
  • For the new map, there will be 4 properties:
    1. Country Name - as Detail
    2. City - as Detail
    3. Lat(of city) - as Detail
    4. Long(of city) - as Detail
  • Apply Dual Axis to merge the two maps

7. Put map into a Dashboard:

  • Drag Sheet to a new Dashboard
  • Map -> Options -> Uncheck Allow pan and zoom
  • Hide unnecessary visual elements
  • Save to Tableau Public